Friday, August 23, 2013

At the top and slopes of Gunung Lawu

The 3200 meter high volcano located on the border of Central and East Java, about 40 kilometers east of Solo. Gunung Lawu is a so called stratovolcano that was last active in 1885 and is considered one of the most sacred mountains in Java. Thousands of pilgrims every year climb the summit to seek. Sprituele lighting The hike to the top is relatively easy and takes about 5 to 6 hours. Many start around midnight before dawn to reach the top and to enjoy the beautiful in the early morning mostly cloud-free view. Around the volcano are scattered on the slopes mysterious Hindu temples. These date from the last period of the Majapahit empire. Thus there is the Candi Ceto stunning often located at or just above clouds temple complex. The most mysterious is the built in 1437 Candi Sukuh a strange pyramid shaped with many Hindu lingams, yoni's, erotic sculptures and reliefs, all in the sign of life before birth and sexual education. Thousands Javanese couples visit this complex to beg. Fertility for their wedding on the landscape on the south west side of the volcano is magnificent. Beautiful rolling hills, sometimes covered with beautiful tea plantations, then slopes which fruit is grown by locals and small villages that breathe peace. A trek through this beautiful area is a must. Due to the higher elevation, temperatures are very pleasant. Lovely starting point for these trips and multi-day stay is the small town Tawangmangu. From Solo with public transport (4x daily) is reaching for a negligible amount (Rp 4,000 one way). This village Stay at the Hotel Komajaya Komarith , a simple but the best in the village, will cost from 30 euros per room. One can also find a guide and arrange to view the area. Expanded Not far from the hotel and easy to visit on foot lies in a valley the Grojogan Sewu waterfall, the Javanese hotspot for couples and newlyweds. At the foot of this 81 meter high waterfall, under the rainbow water spray you will find at the weekend hundreds elated to couples.

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