Monday, August 19, 2013

Colorful cultural parade to celebrate Indonesia’s independence day

More than 4,000 dancers and musicians from across the country will fill the streets of Jakarta with vibrant and colorful dances set to toe-tapping music as part of the independence day celebrations on Sunday.

Indonesia commemorates its independence day on Aug. 17.

Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry spokesperson Noviendi Makalam said on Friday that the national cultural parade, which is held under the “Culture Unites the Nation” theme, would be held around the Merdeka Square in Central Jakarta, starting from the National Monument (Monas) at 2:30 p.m.

In the parade, artists from 33 provinces across Indonesia will showcase their unique traditions and cultural wealth.

Besides the cultural performances, there will be some competitions, exhibitions and folk art performances in the event.

“It will be an extraordinary parade, filled with numerous cultural performances,” Noviendi told The Jakarta Post Travel on Friday.

The parade will commence from Monas' northern yard, in front of the National Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara. Each of the participating art groups will showcase their talents on top of a stage in front of the palace.

Next, the parade will proceed to Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat, on to the Arjuna Wiwaha statue at the intersection with Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan. Special performances will also be staged at the City Hall before the parade finally entered the National Monument complex.

The parade is designed by renowned Jakarta-based choreographers Hartati and Deny Malik along with Solo-based art director Heru Mataya.

“This year's parade is kind of special, because it is held after a three-year hiatus,” Noviendi said.

He added that the parade was aimed to raise Indonesians' awareness on their own authentic cultural heritage and, in the long term, increase the nations pride.

By Edna Tarigan, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Aug 16, 2013

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