Friday, November 22, 2013

Going to pandawa beach - bali

Most of us know the usual places beaches such as Dreamland and Kuta Beach, but still beautiful even less heard from the beach exists , by the name of Pandawa . Often referred to as the Secret Beach , Pandawa located in the village Kutuh in South Bali . Pandawa beach hidden behind high cliffs and overgrown bushes , had long remained secluded from the crowds of tourists , due to the less-than - easy path to be taken in order to gain access .

In recent years , seeing the potential held in majestic and pristine beauty of the beach , the Badung Regency Administration opened about 1.5 kilometers of access roads. This wonderful way to a hidden paradise is indeed one of a kind , carved between rugged limestone cliffs that rise on both sides.

As you near Pandawa , you are greeted by five statues carved in the rocks next to you : Yudhistira , Bima , Arjuna , Nakula and Sadewa . These are the Panca Pandava , the five brothers who are characters in the shadow puppet theater , from which the beach takes its name .

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