Sunday, November 10, 2013

Indonesian travellers pick holiday destinations based on visa requirement

According to the survey of 7000 respondents from Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea, Thailand, India and China, 81 percent of Asians are in favor of an EU-style single visa arrangements relating to the ASEAN countries.

In addition to supporting a common visa policy system in Southeast Asia, a visa system of reciprocity between countries also received the support of a huge 87 percent of all participants, with as many as 90 percent of the participants from Indonesia to agree to that.

The results of the survey also shows that many Indonesian travelers say visa application processes complex with 13 percent of them say that they had made ​​mistakes with applications and a further fifth say they had a visa application rejected.

"Indonesian travelers are often limited to visits many popular holiday destinations because of their passport. It can be frustrating for many, especially travel enthusiasts as it puts them off knowing that they must first apply for a visa before traveling. Based on our survey results, it is clear that most Indonesian travelers rather save yourself the trouble and choose a destination closer to home, that would allow them to plan their vacation at ease.

"In essence, passenger a fun and stress-free activity. The main purpose of the travel must be to beautiful places to visit in the world. However, for many Indonesian travelers abroad seems to be as holders of Indonesian passport a problem to apply to many countries. "are often required visa

"The application process is often long and could even face the possibility of rejection. Based on our survey results, the harder it is to apply for a visa, demotivated the more they have to visit the country. We are fortunate that Indonesia is a country of beautiful travel destination and travelers can choose between rich exotic beaches and beautiful volcanoes to culinary tour delicious. "

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